Good Guys in 40k? Need help with army ideas.

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Good Guys in 40k? Need help with army ideas.

Post by Musa »

(yay, first real post)

(I'm not sure if this is in the right forum, if it isn't, I apologize. I'm asking for some brainstorming, so I thought I came to the right place)

I've been out of 40k for a few years and was wanting to get back in. I've played Eldar (My favorite so far), Tyranids, Marines, and Necrons (pre-codex).

While going through the fluff for 40k, I couldn't really find any "Good Guys" in the universe. I wanted a "good guy" army.

-Anything Imperium are bad guys. They're Xenophobic (Xenophobic means that they don't like anything that isn't them, or in better terms, they hate aliens), Righteous, and are willing to destroy anything in their path for their twisted view of "good".

-Chaos is Evil. As are Dark Eldar.

-Regular Craftworld Eldar might be mis-interpreted as being the "good guys" but in reality, they're in it completely for themselves. Pretty Selfish, actually.

-Orks don't know any better. I'm not too sure if Orks know the difference between right and wrong.

-Tyranids are neutral at best when it comes to good and evil... I think in the end, they just want food.

-The closest I've found are the Tau, and while I love the models, I like armies that are A) mass Troops, and B) balanced in their capabilities in close combat and shooting (and Fire warriors just dont cut it for me).

So I started to brainstorm ideas for possible armies:

~ A Marine chapter that has "seen the light" so to speak and see how their beloved imperium has fallen into corruption and decay. The original tenets of the Emperor fallen into disuse and replaced by useless bureacracy and absolute Xenophobia. Basically Marines who turned Traitor to the Imperium but didn't turn to the Chaos Gods.

But what rules to use for them? It wouldn't be right for them to Use the "Codex" Idea, as that is a strict guideline set forth by the imperium. I almost thought of using the Lost and the Damned list (barring anything really Chaos-y (aka, marks, spikes, defiler, demons, etc.)). I could use "Traitors" to represent regular guardsmen that they have turned to their cause.

~ Eldar. I've been tossing an idea in my head around for an Army theme called "Eldar United". I saw in some fluff piece that Harlequins go to each craftworld, exodite maiden world and Commoragh to seek out talented individuals and recruits for becoming harlequins. Using Models from the Eldar, D. Eldar, and Converted Exodites, I could create a balanced force rich with conversions and write up a decent fluff bit about it.

The problem here is what to use for a codex. I would want something to represent the Harlequins well since they will basically be the backbone of the army. I thought about the Biel-Tan list and using Howling Banshee (as Troop Choices) rules to represent harlequins, as I think they are pretty similar in combat capability (Masks that help during close combat, able to cut down marines, fast, Acrobatics, etc.)
Also possibly used are the Krrot Mercenaries army list to add allies of the "Tracker Kindred" (or whichever one is the one that is mounted cavalry) to represent Exodites on their dragons.

~ Marines who have been persuaded by the Tau Empire and is now working towards the "greater good", whatever that may be.

I would use some list that would allow me to Get a nice mix of troops. I thought about the Imperial Guard List using the Deathwatch Kill Team rules to represent Space marines that were given Tau Technology (explains different ammunition types, and different weapons than regular marines). Also, IG have access to the Kroot Mercenaries list, which helps the Tau Empire idea along. And Tau Human Auxillaries are already available, so why couldn't random Imperial Guardsmen be deserters and join the tau empire and basically create a regiment by themselves? Of course, this means no commisars, or imperium based things.

Lost and the damned list might work too. With the defiler being something brewed from human thought process and Tau technology. BUT, I don't think Lost and the Damned have access to the Kroot mercenaries list, I believe... since Chaos doesn't have access, I doubt that Lost and the Damned would.

Another variant might be a straight marine army that were turned to the Tau. but that would require Marines without "and they shall know no fear" . Possibly Chaos list without all the chaosy things?

Basically the same as the above mentioned space marines, except the look of the army will be different as there would be Tau elements in the main "look" I want to achieve. Fire Warrior should pads on Marines, Jetpacks made using Drone Parts, etc.

~ A radical inquisitor / Influential rogue Trader who has been through bloody battles with Necrontyr, Tau, Chaos and/or Tyranids that thought that if you can either stand united or fall divided. The basic premise is that a charismatic Radical Inquisitor (or Rogue trader) has in some way influenced members of other races to join his cause. He might Appeal to Eldar by telling them that it is possible to lengthen their survival by banding together, Appeal to Orks by beign the strongest 'Umie they've ever seen (by probably besting another ork in combat) these would most likely be Feral Ork tribes before a REALLY strong ork came and rallied them, etc.

This one ... i'm lost on. I'm really unsure what rules could be used.
Lost and the Damned? (gives alot of versatility)
Imperial Guard? (again, versatility)
Average Statline would be optimal as there would be Orks, Eldar, and humans intermingled in the same squad, probably with something unifying them, whether it is uniform or colors.

I just really want something that hasn't been done before (or at least hasn't been done MUCH)

Post by Musa »

So I've decided to go with the "Eldar United" Idea and wanted to flesh it out a bit.

the main idea I want to run is that the army was founded on the basis of fighting chaos and the necrontyr (the biggest enemies of the eldar, in my opinion). But at the same time, it is brought together to defend the Black Library (the Harlequin's Craftworld) against a bigger force that the harlequins Alone cannot handle.

Here's what I have So far: (Constructive Criticism is welcomed)

- Use the Biel-Tan Swordwind Army List
- Harlequins as represented by Howling Banshee rules.
- the Avatar will be a conversion of the deciever model and be an avatar of the laughing god.
- Exodite Dragon Riders as represented by Kroot Tracker Kindred Rules or by Jetbikes. (haven't decided: Jetbikes are probably TACTICALLY better, but the Tracker Kindred makes more sense, as they are more like cavalry.)

Color Schemes to run:

Saim-hann Jetbikes
Ulthwe Warlocks
Iyanden Wraithlord / Wraithguard
Biel Tan Aspect Warriors (Striking Scorpions mainly)
Alaitoc Rangers
Guardians / D. Eldar Warriors / Exodite Warriors from Mixed Craftworlds fielded as Guardian Defenders and Storm Guardians.

I'm thinking of for every 3 Guardians there will be 1 Dark Eldar Warrior and 2 Exodite Warriors. As I'm sure Dark Eldar are the least likely to leave commoragh with the harlequins and the most likely are regular guardians who see it as an honor and a priviledge..

My Biggest PROBLEM:

That covers my bases for color schemes, but something I need to do is signify them with something that would Tie them all together inth a unifying force.

Should I do a single color for all the helms?
Or Shoulder Pads?

If it were either, I would have to find a color that went well with Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, and Black for the craftworlds, but at the same time, I have to include color schemes from Dark Eldar Warriors (dark, rich colors like burgundy) and Exodite warriors (which would most likely be earthtones)

Another Idea is to paint them normally, but then paint some sort of sign on all their bodies that signify that they are from this one force.

The Second biggest problem:

how do i represent a Solitaire or Great harlequin? I guess the best I could do is include them in as Howling banshee Exarchs... but that's probably it.
If there is a big problem with the current Eldar codex, it is the inability for individual characters to stand out in the army.
the List-mistress
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Post by LadyEyes »

Ok, this sounds extremely interesting to me (especially since I started playing 40k with Harlequins and miss them :( ), but I haven't played in a good while so I'm not terribly familiar with all the different Craftworld rules, etc.

I am, however, planning on following this to see how it develops and what your thoughts are once you start playing your list. :trampolin:
"I like gypsy moths and radio talk
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything"

Post by Musa »

LadyEyes wrote:Ok, this sounds extremely interesting to me (especially since I started playing 40k with Harlequins and miss them :( ), but I haven't played in a good while so I'm not terribly familiar with all the different Craftworld rules, etc.

I am, however, planning on following this to see how it develops and what your thoughts are once you start playing your list. :trampolin:
Well, apparently there is a Trial Harlequins list available for download off the GW website, but I want to be able to play these models without my opponents going "hey you're using trial rules that are overpowered, blah blah blah"

I just like the models and want a feasible way to field them.
the List-mistress
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Location: outside Washington DC

Post by LadyEyes »

I've been thinking about this idea... I'm thinking about putting together an Eldar list something along the lines of "Guardians of the Black Library."

The would basically go into battle because a shadowseer told them to. I'm thinking a Shadowseer could be used with the Farseer rules. Could a Solotaire be used with Warlock rules? (Not familiar with Warlocks in this version of the rules.) A Death Jester in place of a Dark Reaper Exarch. Every Exarch or unit commander could be a Harlequin figure.

My thought on unifying them visually is that all of their body suits are going to be black. So the armor plates on top of them will be different colors, etc., but all of the body suits will be the same. I'm also going to go looking for something I think I remember seeing somewhere. (Isn't there a symbol for the Laughing God or the Harlequins somewhere?)

I like the idea of an Avatar being one of the Laughing God, but don't think the Deceiver is big enough. Avatars are supposed to be BIG. What about using the armature from some =I= figure to make one? Tough, but possible... *shrug*

Jetbikes can just be Harlequin jetbikes, right? Those canopies are still available as bitz, or you can just paint it as such and maybe swap the riders.

What do you think so far?
"I like gypsy moths and radio talk
Cause it doesn't remind me of anything"
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Post by Benathai »

Orks don't know any better. I'm not too sure if Orks know the difference between right and wrong.
Believe the old ork - greenskins don't have to know the difference between good and bad as long as there are any enemies left (even other orks).
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