He seemed to be gone from the Wasteland for a really long time, but today the legendary Crazy Mel is back to Scrapbridge.
We now present you with one of our future releases, the first in a series made of high-quality resin, scheduled for next
July if everything goes smoothly. The machete will be a separate piece, in case you want to have it more like the movies, and will have an optional head with The Goose helmet, glasses and mask.
This miniature is
not part of the current Indiegogo campaign, but as a token of gratitude for all of you who have put your money in it, we will
raffle 5 of them among those who have pledged at "Scrapbridge neighbor" level or greater.
What a lovely, lovely day!!!
Click to see full-sized image
Click to see full-sized image
Click to see full-sized image
Click to see full-sized image
If you want to pledge on our Indiegogo campaign and enter the raffle of 5 of these miniatures, check it out here: