Project: Studio

I’ve been thinking about moving to a separate studio, different than my home.

Used to my usual rhythm of work at home I was doubting that moving away could improve anything. But… I think that this kind of isolation actually helps. It helps to concentrate on work in the morning and in the afternoon. Now I can focus and keep working undisturbed, leaving the guys to play around in the kitchen uncensored.

Od roku dojrzewała we mnie myśl przeniesienia się do zewnętrznej pracowni.

Przyzwyczajona do domowego rytmu pracy nie bardzo chciałam wierzyć, że przeniesienie się zmieni cokolwiek na korzyść. Ale… myślę, że ta izolacja jednak pomaga. Pomaga skupić się w porze porannej i popołudniowej. Mogę teraz nieodrywana skupić się i posiedzieć dłużej, a panowie pobawić się bez cenzury w kuchni.

The beginnings are not easy for an esthete like me, because the conditions in my new studio are not as good as at home and I keep finding that I still haven’t moved some things with me (and I wonder how I managed to find room for all the stuff at my apartment).

Still no better cutlery but dealing with it ;-)
Still no better cutlery but dealing with it 😉

Początki dla mnie estetki są trudne, bo warunki lokalu to nie to samo co domowe i ciągle okazuje się że czegoś jeszcze nie przeniosłam (bardzo mnie zastanawia jak ja to wszystko dotychczas mieściłam w mieszkaniu …)

I am giving myself 2 months to test the new setup, and I believe that after this time I will be accustomed to working in the new conditions, which will allow me to judge the new studio in normal everyday monotony.

Daję sobie 2 miesiące na testowanie, po tym czasie chyba mogę liczyć że praca w nowych warunkach mi spowszednieje i dowiem się jak sobie radzę z codzienną monotonią.

I hope you, fellow painters, will share your own remarks as far as furnishing such a studio goes. I would love to see your own studios, so maybe share some photos? Please suggest any tested setups which proved to be successful if you have any.

Liczę też że podzielicie się ze mną, koledzy malarze, własnymi spostrzeżeniami w temacie umeblowania pracowni. Marzy mi się zobaczyć Wasze pracownie, może podrzucicie mi zdjęcie? Napiszcie też jeśli macie sprawdzone ustawienia.

Studio setup #1
Studio setup #1

For now I put my table in the middle of one of the two rooms I have, still counting to have some brush-wielding guests here. 😀

Na chwilę obecną stół ustawiłam na środku jednego z dwóch pomieszczeń licząc na gości z pędzlami. 😀

Some new purchases

I received a shipment of new miniatures that I purchased some time ago.

Black Knight

The first model is a limited edition Black Knight from Kingdom Death. Mine is #94 of 100.

Black Knight (Kingdom Death)
Black Knight (Kingdom Death)

I don’t have any decent photos of the model itself yet, but painting it will be great for sure. Here are a few more photos of the model:

Female Tau

Then there is a little curiosity from Wargame Exclusive. It seems like a bootleg release of a female Tau warrior for Warhammer 40.000. I think many of you may have never heard of Wargame Exclusive at all…

Female Tau (Wargame Exclusive)
Female Tau (Wargame Exclusive)


This mysterious thing is Moloch, a mountain giant sculpted by Allan Carasco, released by Figone.

Moloch, le géant des montagnes (Figone)
Moloch, le géant des montagnes (Figone)

The official photos depict him in a more static pose, so here he is in a prancing or dancing position. 😉


And finally a great sculpt by Raúl García Latorre: Santa available from Mproyec.

Santa (Mproyec)
Santa (Mproyec)

Just check the few additional photos to see the beautiful quality of this release:

I am looking forward to painting these! 🙂


Roboute Guilliman, the Ultramarines primarch

Actually I finished the model of Roboute Guilliman, primarch of the Ultramarines, some time ago but didn’t manage to share the photos until now.

Roboute Guilliman, primarch of Ultramarines
Roboute Guilliman, primarch of Ultramarines

You could have seen the earlier stages of painting in my WIP posts. Some of you may even have wondered if the model was ever going to be finished.

Well, I finished the model some time ago, then I waited for the plinth and for the plaque. Such an important character  deserves a decent base after all. 🙂

The model was very enjoyable to paint thanks to good quality of the sculpt and casting. This tends to be my usual experience with Forge World models anyway. It is not the most impressive or memorable of all primarch models, but still I wanted to give him a very commanding presence, and some individual personality while not straying too far from the original Ultramarines imagery.

More photos of my Roboute Guilliman

There are so many great interpretations of this character already done, The only way for me to go was to make him a bit different, mine. Well, here he is for your viewing pleasure. 🙂

Something for bases – Textured Rolling Pins

I would like to share with you my first impressions of Textured Rolling Pins that I purchased recently from Green Stuff World.
I bought Textured Rolls Pack v2.0 which contains 6 rolls:
– 1 rolling pin plain (no texture) – used for extending the putty to smoothen the surface before impressing with other textured rolling pins
– 1 rolling pin Runic
– 1 rolling pin Celtic
– 1 rolling pin Frozen
– 1 rolling pin Wood planks
– 1 rolling pin Factory ground

Rolling Pins

They are about 140mm long and 25mm wide.
The cost of this set (including shippment) is 50 EUR (59 USD), which is not cheap. But when you consider how many bases can you make with those tools…
I made first tests using Runic rolling pin. I didn’t have anything else at hand, so I used my daughter’s modelling clay – hence those vivid collors. Don’t worry – it will be painted 🙂
After extending and flatting the clay to a small disc (in size of 30mm base, about 3mm thick) I transfered the texture to the putty.

Rolling Pins

As you may see, I used 2 toothpicks to get even surface when rolling the pin. It looked really OK. Sculping It would certainly take me a lot of time! I made a few more and put my production to boiling water for about 25 minutes to harden it.

Rolling Pins

After cooling down I crushed the edges to make them more irregular and sharp. Then I glued the textured discs to the bases using epoxy glue. I broke some discs to make it more interesting and to suggest ancient provenance of the stone floor.

Rolling Pins

Here is how two of the bases looks painted:

Rolling Pins

It’s not much except base paint, wash and drybrush. I wanted to paint them as quick as possible – there are much more bases to make! I think the effect is really good, considering that “sculpting” 4 bases and painting 2 of them took me about 45 minutes.

What minis will I put on those bases? I’ll show you that in my next post 😉